Saturday, 27 February 2016

2016 ~ Make It Your Year

 Hello my lovelies,

So, this may seem to a couple of you a little too late to be posting a blog post about new years resolutions, & I understand why, as we're nearing the end of February already! However, I'd wanted to have a proper think about exactly what I want to focus on & achieve this year, so I thought I'd give myself at least part of January to be able to do so. Read on for my resolutions, & tips to make 2016 your year!

I think a good place to start is to always ask yourself 'What do I want from life in the next twelve months?' - Not only will this make you think about the goals you're wanting to achieve, such as getting that promotion at work, or aiming to eat healthier & work out more regularly, it also makes you think about other things which could be improved which aren't solely physical, things like being more patient, or aiming to be genuinely happy, not just with what you have infront of you, but with what's going on on the inside aswell.

One of my goals for 2016 is to try my best to be happier with where I am in life at the moment; I have a tendency to put too much pressure on myself & continuously compare myself to others, without taking into account the differences in circumstances, or always think I should be further than I currently am. Therefore, I'm going to try take a step back & encourage myself to keep working hard & know that things will get to where they need to be, rather than constantly pulling myself down for not being where I 'should' be. I think it's very important to try not to give yourself a hard time about things that you're doing your best to make better, as you have to remember that that's all that's important, the fact that you are actually working hard & that you're trying.

Another of my goals for the year is to get on top of my healthy eating & my fitness. I've always been very conscious about knowing what I put into my body & nutrition, but I know that there is always more to learn. I never ever think of restricting what I can eat, as then healthy eating turns into a chore & that isn't the way it should be - I'm a firm believer that healthy doesn't necessarily have to mean boring; I'm going to try & create some healthy meals from scratch & follow nutritious recipes to give my body the fuel it deserves! However, being healthy can start with something as simple as swapping some things for better alternatives, you don't have to jump in at the deep end - Even ensuring you drink more water on a day to day basis can be a fantastic step in the right direction!

The last thing I'm really trying to do is just stop putting quite as much pressure on myself to be 'perfect' - Set goals, yes, & achieve them, but don't get quite so down if I don't achieve something the first time, there's always going to be second chances, & failure only sets you up to be better next time round!

2016 is going to be the year I really try to make things easier for myself, as so far, some points have been a struggle, but I believe things can only get better!

Let me know any of your goals or aspirations for 2016 in the comments!

Until next time, lovelies


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