Wednesday 7 January 2015

Flicker & Fizz Haul

Before I even start going into the products I've chosen for this post, I have to apologise profusely for the horrendous lack of any activity on this blog for the past few weeks or so; Christmas & New Year have taken up all my time & energy, & I just simply haven't been able to sit down & get anything done! However, I am now back, refreshed & ready for 2015, which I just know is going to be a fabulous year!

This particular post is something I've wanted to do for quite a while now after discovering a gem of an online site earlier in the year & I simply had to share; Let me introduce 'Flicker & Fizz'!
'Flicker & Fizz' was brought to my attention through Facebook, when a friend of mine shared the page of the company, which is owned by her & her mum. As you may have noticed in previous posts, I have a little bit of a thing for anything bath bomb related, so when I spotted a gorgeous looking variety of bath products in a photo, I simply couldn't resist a look. (I'll pop the link at the bottom for you to peruse at your own leisure!)

Everything they sell is hand crafted in the UK from the finest, skin-friendly ingredients, & contain no harsh chemicals or parabens, plus, as you can see from the photo above, it's all simply gorgeous. I was honestly so excited when I had the chance to buy a few things for myself, I could've easily got myself one of everything!

Firstly, how mouth-wateringly good do these look? I just adore the way they're finished, they are simply beautiful, & they smell divine. The larger of the two, on the left, is the 'Angel Skin Bubble Bath Cupcake', which, having not realised when I actually ordered it online, is huge; The product description states it 'will last for many a bath', & it isn't lying. It comprises of a base of solid bubble bath, & the topping is a delicious sugar scrub, which I simply can't wait to use!

The second of the two is the 'Rose Sherbet Fizzing Bath Tart', a gorgeous little gem of a find. It's a solid cupcake of bath bomb, with a glittery swirl of cream, topped with a dainty rose bud, which is the perfect little added extra to finish off this gorgeous product. They both smell beautiful, & I just know will leave my skin feeling perfectly polished & cared for.

The thing I adored most about this site was the vast & varied range of products to choose from, & having had a good look around, I have to say there's surely something there for everyone. One of my current obsessions is candles, so I was thrilled to discover the range on offer, from single tins, to gift boxes & soy candles. Everything is beautifully finished, & extremely affordable, so you can go for something a little more luxurious at a fraction of the price you'd spend in other stores. Another thing; They all smell gorgeous. There's a huge rage of scents to choose from, as with the bath bombs & fizzers. I opted for the 'Gingerbread Cookie', having bought these just before Christmas, & it is absolutely gorgeous. I know I'll definitely be buying a few more in the future, whether for gifts or a little treat for myself!

If you're wanting to buy a few bath products for yourself, I'd highly recommend the 'Double Bubble Creamers' & the 'Bath Bombs'; affordable, heavenly & fantastic quality, they're one hundred percent guaranteed to put a smile on your face! I've honestly fallen for the whole range of products in the store, but I have to say, the bath bombs are something else. The one on  the left was infact a free gift thrown in from Rae, the owner of the shop {she's fabulous}, & was a perfect little gift for Christmas; It's the 'Holly Bubbling Bath Bomb' & is beautifully decorated with a sprinkle of glitter & cute holly details, very adorable! The second is the 'Sweetflowers Double Bubble Creamer' which promises to leave your skin enveloped in a gorgeous scent of vanilla & sandalwood, whilst decorating your bath water with delicate rose petals! Also, as it's in two halves originally when you receive it, you can share it between two baths, which means twice the luxuriousness! You honestly cannot go wrong.

Overall, I adore this brand & I can't wait to get my hands on a few more goodies; I can't recommend them or sing their praises enough! The link is below, if you'd like to take a little look yourself, but I'll just warn you that you'll be addicted to the gorgeously sweet treats before you know it!

Flicker & Fizz

Until next time, lovelies

Alice xo

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