Wednesday 14 January 2015

The Versatile Blogger Award

I don't know what to say, except a huge thankyou to the gorgeous Beth who has very kindly nominated me for the 'Versatile Blogger Award'! This is such a shock, I've only been blogging for around a couple of months, & so to receive something like this, it's such a step for me; It amazes me that people actually take time out to read the things I talk about on here! This is my first ever blogger's tag, so here goes!

As I've been nominated, I have to nominate fifteen other bloggers to take part in the tag, but seen as I'm so new to this, I haven't actually come across enough bloggers to tag! However, I can tell you seven facts about me you may or may not already know, which is another little part of the nomination, & if you'd like to have a go at the tag yourself, just comment below & I'll add your page to the bottom of this post!

Seven Facts About Me
  • I adore 'Made In Chelsea' {Not something you should ever really admit, but I can't get enough of that show!}
  • I have an unhealthy obsession with Minis, & I honestly can't go through a journey without pointing out every single one we pass, especially the cream Coopers, can you get any more gorgeous? 
  • Autumn & Spring are my favourite seasons.
  • I love anything in cream or plum.
  • I have many a girl crush {Kate Upton, Ariana Grande, Pixie Lott, Candice Swanepoel...}
  • I do really enjoy singing, but nobody ever gets the chance to hear me as I am horrendous.
  • I also really enjoy painting {I'm sure many of you are aware!}, it's such a relaxing past time, you just can't beat it! 
Thankyou again to Beth for the nomination & the tag, it was too sweet of you! 

Until next time, my lovelies

Alice xo

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