Wednesday 28 January 2015

Herbalife Mask & Scrub Review

Hello lovelies,

I hope everyone's having a fabulous Wednesday as I come to you with another review post, this time on a few skincare bits & pieces I've been very excited to share with you all! I was recently invited to 'Herbalife Pamper Party' by a lovely friend of mine, Roxy, who works in partnership with Herbalife to promote the brand & help everyone achieve a healthier & happier body, inside & out. It was such a good evening, & we had a chance to try out a variety of the goodies on offer, leaving with a glowing complexion & a deeper insight into better skincare. Two of the products I bought myself were the 'Instant Reveal Berry Scrub' & the 'Purifying Mint Clay Mask', which we tried on the evening & I knew I simply had to get my hands on to trial & review over the coming weeks.

Before the evening took place, I hadn't heard about Herbalife in any sort of depth at all; I knew it had taken off in America with an amazing response, & I knew it focussed on health & skincare, but that was about it. I listened intently to the introduction into the brand & the products on offer, learning that the skincare range are created with organic & healthy, anti-oxidant packed ingredients, designed to give your skin a healthy treat.

The first of the two products I bought {I did, as a matter of fact, buy myself three different products, the third of which I'll be reviewing a little later on, so keep your eyes peeled!} was the 'Instant Reveal Berry Scrub'. I adore facial scrubs, as there's nothing better than fresh, clean feeling skin, so I knew this was something I had to try. I learnt that the scrub contains natural ingredients, including seeds & kernels, which are rich in skin boosting anti-oxidants. It's gel like in texture, & it honestly smells divine, a rich fruity & fresh scent which really awakens the senses.

It's gel like texture is extremely soothing, & despite the fact the exfoliating grains are quite large, the scrub isn't harsh or abrasive at all; In fact, it's gentle enough to be used three to four times a week. It really is gorgeous, & leaves your skin feeling clean, smooth & refreshed, but not tight or uncomfortable, which can happen with alot of face scrubs. This is definitely a win-win for me!

The second of the products that I bought was the 'Purifying Mint Clay Mask'. In the past, I have been quite wary of face masks in general, as my skin can be quite temperamental when it comes to introducing new products, & masks can often cause it to flair up. However, armed with the knowledge behind the product & the promise that it could do wondrous things for your complexion. It's made from Bentonite Clay, which removes dirt & oil from both the skin's surface & deep down in the pores aswell.

The thing I think I liked the most about this was the scent; I've found with masks in the past that they're often almost overpowering, but this is 'infused with spearmint', meaning it still smells fresh & clean, but it isn't so strong that it's off-putting. Once applied, you can really feel it working & you just know it's doing your skin the world of good, which is what I adore about it. You have to leave it to dry for 5-10 minutes, during which it gets to work warming up & opening your pores in order to be able to draw out the skin's impurities & excess oil, which can lead to blemishes & blackheads.

Once you rinse off & pat dry, you're left with a clean, smooth & glowing complexion which feels soft & supple, making it perfect to be followed up by serums & moisturiser to perfectly finish off your skincare routine.

The consistency of both products means you only need to use the smallest amount, ensuring one 120ml bottle lasts you an awfully long time. The Herbalife products, including the two above, have been created in a way which ensures they work together to give you that clear complexion that everybody dreams of. Not only do they gently fight blemishes & spots, they've also ensure that your skin is cared properly by using only skin-friendly ingredients, meaning your skin really is in the best hands when using Herbalife products.

I honestly can't rate these products enough, I know for certain I'll be doing a little more research into the range & expanding my knowledge on what's on offer out there, & I can't wait! I did buy another product which I haven't mentioned on today's post, but keep your eyes peeled, as I'm sure I'll be reviewing it within the next couple of weeks!

I hope you've enjoyed today's review, & so until next time!

Alice xox

All opinions above are those of the author & this post is in no way sponsored

1 comment:

  1. Good post....thanks for sharing.. very useful for me i will bookmark this for my future needs. Thanks. Healthy heart products
